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"Why Daily Support for Women Matters: Moving Beyond International Women's Day"

Writer's picture: Melissa  RammMelissa Ramm

International Women's Day was yesterday.... what does that mean to you?

It's different for every woman, for some it's the celebration of the woman in their inner circle, for others it's a celebration of women everywhere. Perhaps for some, it is time to reflect on the past and be grateful for the trailblazers who came before us to be able to celebrate a day dedicated to women. Perhaps it's a platform to have a female voice heard clearly in the world.

The first International Women's Day was on the 8th of March 1911, created by socialist Clara Zetkin who fought for women's rights and universal suffrage in Germany from the start of the 1870s. In the last 113 years, the recognition of how far a woman's position in the world has changed dramatically.

When I think about the other women in my life, I have this overwhelming feeling of gratitude. I am only a strong woman because I was raised by one, who was raised by another. My mother and my Grandmother taught me strength, resilience, love kindness and hard work. Who raised me to respect others and illustrated that our voice matters and opinion is valued, I'm thankful to them for creating a safe harbour in the storm that is this life. My sisters, one older and one younger. They instil the importance of friendship by always being there to talk, to laugh, to cry, to celebrate, to learn from each other and in our case to sing beyoncé songs. It is not often we get time to spend together but when we do it's incomparable.

I look at my sisters in the yachting industry, be it in any department and see a community of beautiful, strong and fearless ladies. Doing our jobs in an industry that is historically male-dominated is inspirational in itself. When I look at the women who are female Captains, engineers and first officers the words "she believed she could so she did" spring to my mind. I take guidance and inspiration from the women who are quietly in the background ticking off the modules for the next qualification, and who are mentoring green crew in their downtime because they see the importance and need for guidance to keep growing the female presence on the bridge of every yacht out there.

This morning I woke up and began to think about the concept of having one day to celebrate women which I like but I also feel that it shouldn't be the only time we celebrate the women around us or talk about issues that the yachting industry is still facing when it comes to equality.

I make a promise to myself in writing this blog that I will do better to keep uplifting the ladies around me and to keep encouraging my peers to speak out if they are faced with adversity in their jobs due to their gender.

But also to do better to silence that inner voice of self-doubt and turn it into self-belief to keep thriving to my goals.

Thank you to the first Female deck crew I worked with for showing me the way.

Thank you to my mentor who endlessly encourages me to keep learning.

Thank you to the new friends and like-minded ladies working in this industry enabled me to meet.

Thank you to the strong women who have built communities within yachting to support each other every day and not just on International Women's Day.

A girl at the top of a Sailing boat

If you are reading this post and think in the same way Reach out via Instagram or the website chat option and let's talk about how we can do more every day to keep the conversation going and not just on the 8th of March Every Year.

Until then,

Keep smiling laughing and loving the sea xo


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